List Of Classes

"Confidence comes from discipline and training."

– Robert Kiyosaki

"It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained."

– Queen Elizabeth II

"You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset."

– Tom Hopkins

"You can work really hard, but if you're not training in the right way you're not going to improve and get to the level that you want to."

– Michael Chang

"It's all about training smart."

– Tyson Gay

"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows."

– Ralph Marston

"The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare."

– Bobby Knight

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."

– C. S. Lewis

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

– Benjamin Franklin

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."

– Henry David Thoreau

Some things to help you prepare for class

When Can You Train

Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff allows you to train with a CCW vendor and submit proof of that training with your CCW application. You can also train with a CCW vendor at any time after you submitted your application. CCW vendors must be either a CA DOJ or BSIS certified firearms instructor. Gun Kraft is a CA DOJ certified firearms instructor. Please note Gun Kraft is not responsible if you are not approved for a CCW by the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff and will not issue a refund for completed training in the event that happens.

Class Location and Times

Classes are taught at San Leandro Rifle & Pistol Range at 3001 Davis St. The range opens at 9am but please be outside the front gate by 8:50am. Parking is limited so I will let students in early to double-park in the far left corner of the parking lot to leave more room for regular patrons.

Saturday starts in the classroom from 9am-12pm, then a one hour break for lunch, followed by range instruction from 1-6pm. Please bring a bag lunch to Sunday classes. The range closes at 5pm so we will have a working lunch.

Allowed Pistols and Modifications

You may have up to two firearms on your permit. The Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff does not allow any modifications to CCW firearms or mounting red dot sights, lasers or weaponlights. (Aftermarket iron sights such as tritium sights, grip tape and OEM replacement parts are allowed.) Furthermore they do not allow the following types of firearms:

  • Single-action only firearms (ex: 1911 pistols)
  • Derringers and any derringer variant
  • Barrels shorter than 1.87" or longer than 6"
  • Caliber less than .32 or greater than .45
  • Ammunition capacity less than 5 rounds

The Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff Range Master will inspect all firearms for suitability during official qualification and has the discretion to reject any firearm.

Range Qualification

Holsters draw is part of the qualification. Buy a simple OWB holster like the Safariland 578 GLS or Bladetech Signature OWB Holster with adjustable paddle holster attachment accessory. Holsters that do not attach to your belt, are positioned behind the 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock position, or of cheap quality that makes them unsafe are not allowed for safety reasons. IWB holsters are allowed but must be stiff enough that they do not flex/collapse while wearing when empty. If your holster has a thumb break most likely it won't be allowed.

Applicants must qualify with each firearm they intend to list on their CCW permit. A COCOSO-1P target is used. Passing score is 126 out of 180 or 105 out of 150 for 5-shot firearms. Private coaching is available if you have difficulty meeting the requirements.

6 rounds in 5 seconds
6 rounds in 10 seconds
6 rounds in 15 seconds


What to Bring, Saturday (New applicants)

  • The pistol(s) you will list on your CCW (up to two) and four magazines per pistol. Why at least four? After class you should have two loaded with your defensive rounds and at least two for practice.
  • 36 rounds per pistol for qual plus 300 rounds for training. (Ex: If you have two pistols of the same caliber that is 400 rounds total. If they are different calibers then 50 rounds for one and 350 rounds for the other.)
  • Eye/ear protection. We use earbud radio receivers on the range, so over the ear muffs are recommended. However you can use in-ear protection if you prefer and forego the receiver.
  • Gov't issued ID (eg. driver's license)
  • Snacks and drinks. We will break for lunch.

What to Bring, Sunday (New applicants and renewals)

  • Renewal students should bring the pistol(s) you will list on your CCW, four magazines per pistol and at least 36 rounds of ammo per pistol.
  • A bag lunch.
  • Gov't issued ID (eg. driver's license)
  • Snacks and drinks. We will break for lunch.

And some to help you prepare for qualification

The information provided below is for the official range qualification with the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff after you have taken our class. This information is current as of April 2023.

What to Bring

  • The pistol(s) you will list on your CCW (up to two) and three magazines per pistol
    • Load each magazine with 6 rounds each before going to the range
    • Write down each pistol's serial number on a piece of paper to reference when filling out paperwork at the range
  • 18-36 rounds per pistol for qual
  • One holster for each pistol
    • The holster must be positioned at 3 o'clock (if right handed) on your hip
    • It can be OWB (outside the waistband) or IWB (inside the waistband)
  • Eye/ear protection.
  • Gov't issued photo ID (eg. driver's license)
  • Pen or pencil

At the Range

  • Bring all your gear to the staging area
  • Keep firearms cased until instructed
  • You can put on your empty holster while waiting to start
    • The holster must be positioned at 3 o'clock (if right handed) on your hip
  • Maintain firearm safety at all times
    • Safe direction is either downrange or pointing straight up
    • Pointing your firearm (empty or not) at anyone is an automatic disqualification for the day

Course of Fire

  • You start at the 5 yard line and go back from there
  • On the "Shooters ready!" command you can put your hand on the grip (while still holstered)
  • Draw and fire on the "Shoot!" command
  • Stop on the whistle
  • After shooting keep the pistol in your dominant hand, reload and then holster
    • Remember to rack the slide if needed to chamber a round
  • You will score your target afterwards
    • Line breaks count as the next higher value
    • Head shots are zero points
    • Minimum passing score is 126, or 105 if a 5-shot pistol is used
  • You have two attempts to pass with a given pistol

San Joaquin CCW

The new applicant CCW two day course fee is $400.

The renewal CCW eight hour course fee is $225.

Check Schedule